
Showing posts from July, 2009

Family of Friends.. SECOND FAMILY;p

In my home my parents and relatives think I am sincere, ambitious, and what not....!! On the other hand my second family.. Deepi,Chintu,Himmi,Sadhu,Swetha and me. My second family i mean FAMILY OF FRIENDS thinks different .. Actually let me explain you the concept of SECOND FAMILY.. Its simple when we used to live with our parents we return frm school and get back home to OUR FAMILY.. But now as we don't live with our parents.. we get back to hostel where our SECOND FAMILY lives i.e room mates, friends in hostel.. waiting for you to return from classes.. Its an awesome feeling.. when we are late from college our parents get worried.. and they call up.. But ill tell u a better feeling than this awesome.. Whenever I am late cos of classes or will be in campus with some friends my SECOND FAMILY calls up asking me when am i going to be back..:) Now what my second family thinks about me.. LAZY IRRESPONSIBLE DUMB and what not.. and i enjoy when they keep telling me how childish i a

Memory lane..

Today I was arranging my old stuff(college books) and suddenly a book caught my attension it Was "Let Us C" by YASHWANT KANETKAR.. It was in 2005 when i first herd the name "YASHWANT KANETKAR"... whats so special abt this name...??? :) he is auther of a book on C.. Thats it!!! no there is more.. here it starts.. First sem 2005 Aug we were all strongly requested(Forced) to buy this book... cos according to our lecturers it is useful for rest of our 4yrs.. !0A Every program we ever wrote has to be in "Let Us C" by YASHWANT KANETKAR. ;p thats only because our lecturers give programs from that book only.. You have a doubt? Go through YASHWANT KANETKAR's "Let Us C" ;p And the day of practicals finally arrived.. here goes the VIVA..Karthikeyan was our computer instructer in labs.. ips Ram Kumar's turn for VIVA.. Karthikeyan:Who is auther of C language?(he means who developed C Language) (with full booming confidence Ram answered) Ram:YASHWA

stages of learning criativity..;)


