Family of Friends.. SECOND FAMILY;p

In my home my parents and relatives think I am sincere, ambitious, and what not....!! On the other hand my second family..

Deepi,Chintu,Himmi,Sadhu,Swetha and me.

My second family i mean FAMILY OF FRIENDS thinks different ..
Actually let me explain you the concept of SECOND FAMILY..

Its simple when we used to live with our parents we return frm school and get back home to OUR FAMILY..

But now as we don't live with our parents.. we get back to hostel where our SECOND FAMILY lives i.e room mates, friends in hostel.. waiting for you to return from classes..

Its an awesome feeling..

when we are late from college our parents get worried.. and they call up..

But ill tell u a better feeling than this awesome..

Whenever I am late cos of classes or will be in campus with some friends my SECOND FAMILY calls up asking me when am i going to be back..:)

Now what my second family thinks about me..

and what not..

and i enjoy when they keep telling me how childish i am..

Why should i always be matured??
Why should i always be the responsible person of the family??

After four yrs when i was about to leave my coll i didn't feel bad that i am leavin my Second Family cos I Know whatever might be we are family.. and we will be together for ever.. our place of living may change but our bond will never..


The night we saw horror movies together switching off all the lights..

The day Swetha threw my comb in dustbin cos i didnt place it on dressing table..

How can i forget my MOM.. DEEPI..!!!! always telling me what is right and what is wrong... Though i make lot of trouble in the begging i always agree with her at the end..;p HOW COME SHE IS ALWAYS RIGHT???

HIMMI he he.. the cutest and kovvest(u may not get this word but there is no true translation for this:() girl of our part is going out with her.. you will never understand till the last second if she is coming with you or not..;p

CHINTU oh don't even ask about her!!!! she is physically invisible but her radiations are all over.. THANX for teachin me a song..;) i knw u still repent about it but still..;)

SADHU he he.. my first encounter with her was back in 2005 she was singing a song with full volume with her headphones almost inside her eardrums.. frm then on i herd this pop divas rap songs for 4yrs ;) she is known more for her fights and studies with GUDDI..;p

Hmmmmm so that is about my SECOND FAMILY.


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