Is Khulja sim sim a password set by some programmer?

I knw its crazy..

But just go through this..

I was swiping out from my zone in office the other day..

N thinking that how surprizing would this seem to our old generation..

Showing a card opens a gate..?

Then my thoughts went back to alibaba n the 40 thiefs story where just saying KULJA SIM SIM would open the door of khajana..

Was that a voice modulation password written by some programmer?suddenly i found my self relating many more things..

were all the wepons used in mahabharath are super advanced wepons which have capacity of conversion of energy from one form to another..?

No doubt a high speed flamable element could produce fire in middle of its journey.. n if its travelling very fast..

-- the fire arrow?

We have gases now which create artificial clouds.. was it used by arjuna to create rain fall in kandava vana dahanam??

-- the rain arrow???


N Ravan s PUSHPAK VIMANA is more sofisticated and advanced when compared to our aeroplane or helecopter...

Is it that we stated inventing all of them all over again??


God knows... wats all this?


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